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Painting the boats, Montreal

painting the boats, boutilier marine + periwinkle blues from Christopher Boyne on Vimeo.

reflection from Brian Virostek

The video looks great. Looking at it makes me think about the piece itself:  the boats hanging in mid air, out of their element, fish out of water.  it looks as though they’ve been hooked,  hanging by the line. Fairy tale beluga whales with a perfect surface reflecting a time-beaten world . I mean of course by all this, your memories, all our childhood memories. Carefully retraced, to scale, but out of proportion.

Your boats were kept free from dust and scratches like a precious home movie. And like the amateur film maker framing his family, or the fisherman on the boat, our line is pulled taught by something unseen, live, and wild, surging below the surface with which we wish to make contact.


Brian Virostek is the co-founder of the La Cuve film processing co-operative. He holds an MFA from Concordia University (2012) and is a founding member of the Immediate Orchestra, collaborators with USD modern dance group.

Brian Virostek Vimeo page

La Prise by Brian Virostek